Make that Change!

What's going through this sistah's head (and around her head!) on a daily basis?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Instant Editorial: Obama completes historical triple-play

Much has been made of the fact that Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination for president today, on the same date that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered “I Have a Dream.” The nation should take pride in that 45-year forward stride. But at it turns out, this is the third time Aug. 28 has marked a magical milestone. Because 53 years ago on this date, Jackie Robinson took his initial first step toward breaking baseball’s color line when he first met Branch Rickey.Tinkers-to-Evers-to-Chance was nice. But it doesn’t have anything on Robinson-to-King-to-Obama.
-- Deron Snyder is an Editorial Writer/Conversation Ambassador for The News-Press.

WOW... that is so cool that 3 historical things happen for the African American race on this 1 date. Yeah- I'll have to make sure I watch it tonight.
My mom & I were talking about how she used to save old newspapers for historical dates... like when King was assassinated, the Watergate scandal, I think she also saved when our 1st African American mayor of Chicago( Harold Washington) died in 1987. I guess I'll carry on the trend. I save the paper from Tampa on September 12, 2001. Headlines reading "Target: America" and September 16, 2001 "We Are at War". Those headlines still make me sad today..but I suggested we just cut out the articles & make a scrapbook of them. A can't imagine what a fire hazard a stack of 20 year old newspapers would look like. But these 2001 newsspapers, I'll hold onto the full issues.


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