Make that Change!

What's going through this sistah's head (and around her head!) on a daily basis?

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Flirting Failure pt.2

I've been informed that my definition of flirting has been incorrect all along. I thought flirting was the intentional do whatever I can to get this guy's attention so that he will want me! I didn't know that when I play around with my friend's hair it could be conceived as flirting. I didn't know that when I kind of hung onto those big guys in school... calling them my brothers... that was conceived as flirting. NO WONDER a lot of girls didn't like me!
Now the sexy talk...the inserting sometimes inappropriate comments into conversation... I know that could lead to flirting but I didn't know THAT in itself was flirting. I'm good for the witty comments sometimes...but I thought it was clear that I was kidding. Some people in the past took my comments literally. OOPS!
Boy, flirting is a dangerous thin line. I need to watch what I say & who I say it to. No wonder I had a lot of supposed to be friendships go wrong. I don't want that to happen again in the future, so I better tone it down.

Who am I kidding... if the urge comes you know I gotta say something.. like a friend hanging pictures asked me "Can you help me get this up?". There's NO WAY I can NOT comment on that! That door was wiiiiiiiiiiide open.



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