Flirting failure....
I'm a pretty smart woman. I was an advanced student in elementary school (i.e. NERD), then a slightly above average high school student. I got a B.A. in Fine Arts. I watch Jeopardy & can answer a lot of the questions before the contestants (HA! Now that takes brains!). I even get British comedy like Monty Python that seems to be over so many people's heads. So why is it I cannot recognize when a guy is simply flirting w/me. When it comes to men I'm about as smart as a brick.
I can't for the life of me remember this guy's name, but years ago when I was in college I talked to a young man over the phone. He was one of those pretty boys... light skinned, wavy hair, hazel eyes. Looking that good there's no way he could ever be interested in me... so I just immediately put myself into "THE FRIEND ZONE". I thought nothing about him calling me or me calling him every night. Here it is bedtime...after midnight... and we're still talking. One night he shocked me by speaking in French to me. It didn't sound like the French he picked up in High School. He spoke it fluently. Now if only I understood anything that he said!
I immediately asked him what he said, but he kept telling me he'll tell me later. Maybe he was just saying that joke about "How do you keep an a-hole in suspense"? Oh well... that guy is officially in my "One that got away" pile.
There were others between him & when I got married. Being married for 11 years I completely fell out of the flirting game & forgot how to do it. I don't even recognize if it's being thrown at me. One day on my lunch break I met a truck driver that asked questions about my job (cuz I wear a uniform). Here I am telling him about what I do for a living & he's checking me out. I was shocked when he asked for my number.
I'm sure there are books on flirting out there. I need to study & brush up on the technique so that next time it happens I'll know how to respond appropriately.... be it run or flirt back.
{insert tire screech sound effect} WAIT A MINUTE!!! I'm not dating for another 360 days now! Oh wait... it's ok to flirt with potential friends, right? I know it's a dangerous line. I'm not perfect. But they say practice makes perfect! lol
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